мастер маш. инж. Александар З. Стефановић, асистент
Катедра за механизацију
Мејл адреса:
Понедељком од 14 до 15 часова
Механика машина за површинску екплоатацију
Мастер инжењер машинства: Универзитет у Београду - Машински факултет, 2012.
Публикације: 4 рада у часописима са SCI листе (1xM21а+2xM21+1xM23), 9 радова саопштених на међународним скуповима, штампаних у целини (9xM33) 2 техничка решења (1xM82+1xM83) 3 техничко-развојна пројекта 4 научне студије за потребе привреде
Члан Српског друштва за механику
Gnjatović Nebojša, Bošnjak Srđan, Stefanović Aleksandar Z. (2023). Analysis of the Dynamic Response as a Basis for the Efficient Protection of Large Structure Health Using Controllable Frequency-Controlled Drives, Mathematics, 11(1).
MDPI (Basel, Switzerland), ISSN: 2227-7390, doi.org/10.3390/math11010154, M21a.
Pantelić Milorad P., Bošnjak Srđan, Misita Mirjana, Gnjatović Nebojša, Stefanović Aleksandar Z. (2020). Service FMECA of a bucket wheel excavator, Engineering Failure Analysis, 108.
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 1350-6307, 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2019.104289, M21.
Gnjatović Nebojša, Bošnjak Srđan, Milenović Ivan Lj., Stefanović Aleksandar Z. (2020). Bucket wheel excavators: Dynamic response as a criterion for validation of the total number of buckets, Engineering Structures, 225.
Elsevier Sci Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 0141-0296, 10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.111313, M21.
Gnjatović Nebojša, Bošnjak Srđan, Stefanović Aleksandar Z. (2018). The dependency of the dynamic response of a two mast bucket wheel excavator superstructure on the counterweight mass and the degree of fourier approximation of the digging resistance, Archives of Mining Sciences, 63(2), 491-509.
Polska Akad Nauk, Polish Acad Sciences, Warszawa, ISSN: 0860-7001, 10.24425/122909, M23.
Stefanović Aleksandar Z., Gnjatović Nebojša, Milojević Goran, Đenadić Stevan, Urošević Marko (2022). Analysis of the impact of the frequency-controlled bucket wheel drive on the dynamic response of the excavator superstructure, Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference MHCL’22.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-134-8, M33.
Gnjatović Nebojša, Bošnjak Srđan, Milenović Ivan Lj., Stefanović Aleksandar Z., Urošević Marko (2022). Gantry Bucket Chain Stacker- Reclaimer for Crushed Gypsum, Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference MHCL’22.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-134-8, M33.
Bošnjak Srđan, Gnjatović Nebojša, Stefanović Aleksandar Z., Milenović Ivan Lj. (2020). Temporary Leaning of the Gas Oil Storage Tank Structure During Bottom Sanation, 20th International Conference “Research and Development in Mechanical Industry” RaDMI-2020.
SaTCIP, M33.
Gnjatović Nebojša, Bošnjak Srđan, Milenović Ivan Lj., Stefanović Aleksandar Z. (2019). Validation of the number of buckets on the working device of a bucket wheel, Proceedings of the XXIII International Conference MHCL’19.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-020-4, M33.
Bošnjak Srđan, Gnjatović Nebojša, Milenović Ivan Lj., Stefanović Aleksandar Z., Urošević Marko (2019). Modernization and unification of the excavating devices of bucket wheel excavators SRs 2000 deployed in Serbian open pit mines, Proceedings of the XXIII International Conference MHCL’19.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-020-4, M33.
Gnjatović Nebojša, Pantelić Milorad, Milenović Ivan Lj., Stefanović Aleksandar Z., Bošnjak Srđan (2017). Approaches in forensic engineering of excavating units operating on open pit mines of Serbia, Proceedings of the 42nd International scientific conference Maintenance of Machinery and Equipment (OMO 2017).
Petković Zoran D., Gnjatović Nebojša, Milenović Ivan Lj., Milojević Goran, Stefanović Aleksandar Z. (2015). Specific Engineering Challenges During the Large-Scale Structures’ Mantling and Dismantling Procedures, Proceedings of the XXI International Conference MHCL’15.
SaTCIP, ISBN: 978-86-7083-863-5, M33.
Gnjatović Nebojša, Milojević Goran, Milenović Ivan Lj., Stefanović Aleksandar Z. (2014). ‘Design-in’ Faults - the Reason for Serious Drawbacks in High Capacity Bucket Wheel Excavator Exploitation, Proceedings of the The Eighth Triennial International Conference Heavy Machinery - HM 2014.
SaTCIP, ISBN: 978-86-826З1-74-З, M33.
Petković Zoran D., Gnjatović Nebojša, Milenović Ivan Lj., Milojević Goran, Stefanović Aleksandar Z. (2014). Design of unique below-the-hook lifting devices for specific loads, 14th International Conference “Research and Development in Mechanical Industry” RaDMI 2014.
SaTCIP, ISBN: 13 978-86-6075-047-3, M33.
Универзитет у Београду, Машински факултет
Краљице Марије 16, 11120 Београд 35
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