др Милан Р. Лечић, редовни професор
Катедра за механику флуида
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Завршни предмет - Механика флуида Б
Завршни предмет - Уљна хидраулика и пнеуматика
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Одабрана поглавља из механике флуида
Основе механике флуида
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Теорија хидродинамичке стабилности
Транспорт флуида цевима
Уљна хидраулика и пнеуматика
Турбулентна струјања, Стабилност струјања
Машински факултет, Београд, дипл. инж, 1986. год. Машински факултет, Београд, мр, 1992. год. Машински факултет, Београд, др, 2003. год.
Више научних радова и једна монографија. Октобарска награда града Београда за дипломски рад и Награда Привредне коморе Београда за докторску дисертацију.
Члан Српског друштва за механику
Burazer Jela, Skoko Dragiša, Bukurov Maša, Novković Đorđe, Adžić Vuk, Lečić Milan, Vorotović Goran (2023). Possibility for improving the performance of a differential pneumatic comparator by inclining the measuring nozzle, Measurement, 208.
10.1016/j.measurement.2022.112415, M21.
Despotović Željko V., Urukalo Đorđe, Lečić Milan, Cosić Aleksandar (2017). Mathematical modeling of resonant linear vibratory conveyor with electromagnetic excitation: simulations and experimental results, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 41, 1-24.
Elsevier Science Inc, New York, ISSN: 0307-904X, 10.1016/j.apm.2016.09.010, M21.
Benišek Miroslav, Lečić Milan, Čantrak Đorđe, Ilić Dejan (2017). THE SCHOOL OF THE TURBULENT SWIRLING FLOW AT THE FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE, Thermal Science, 21, Suppl. 3, S899-S911.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd, ISSN: 0354-9836, 10.2298/TSCI160628094B, M22.
Burazer Jela M., Ćoćić Aleksandar, Lečić Milan (2017). Numerical research of the compressible flow in a vortex tube using openfoam software, Thermal Science, 21, S745-S758.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd, ISSN: 0354-9836, 10.2298/TSCI160223195B, M22.
Lečić Milan, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Burazer Jela M. (2017). An experimental investigation and statistical analysis of turbulent swirl flow in a straight pipe, Thermal Science, 21, S691-S704.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd, ISSN: 0354-9836, 10.2298/TSCI160201191L, M22.
Ćoćić Aleksandar, Lečić Milan, Čantrak Svetislav (2014). Numerical analysis of axisymmetric turbulent swirling flow in circular pipe, Thermal Science, 18(2), 493-505.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd, ISSN: 0354-9836, 10.2298/TSCI130315064C, M22.
Benišek Miroslav, Lečić Milan, Ilić Dejan, Čantrak Đorđe (2010). APPLICATION OF NEW CLASSICAL PROBES IN SWIRL FLUID FLOW MEASUREMENTS, Experimental Techniques, 34(3), 74-81.
Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, ISSN: 0732-8818, 10.1111/j.1747-1567.2009.00482.x, M22.
Lečić Milan, Čantrak Đorđe, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Banjac Miloš (2009). Piezoresistant velocity probe, Experimental Techniques, 33(3), 73-79.
ISSN: 0732-8818, 10.1111/j.1747-1567.2008.00365.x, M22.
Lečić Milan (2009). A new experimental approach to the calibration of hot-wire probes, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 20(3), 136-140.
Elsevier Sci Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 0955-5986, 10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2009.04.001, M22.
Raković Milan, Radenković Darko, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Lečić Milan (2022). Euler-Euler numerical simulations of upward turbulent bubbly flows in vertical pipes with low-Reynolds-number model, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 14(4).
Sage Publications Ltd, London, ISSN: 1687-8132, 10.1177/16878132221094909, M23.
Burazer Jela M., Novković Đorđe, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Bukurov M., Lečić Milan (2022). Numerical Study of the L/D Ratio and Turbulent Prandtl Number Effect on Energy Separation in a Counter-Flow Vortex Tube, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 15(5), 1503-1511.
Isfahan Univ Technology, Isfahan, ISSN: 1735-3572, 10.47176/jafm.15.05.1168, M23.
Skoko D. M., Crnojević C. D., Lečić Milan, Ristivojević Mileta, Mitrović Radivoje, Burazer Jela M. (2022). Some Characteristics of Compressible Air Impingement Jet Applied in Pneumatic Dimensional Control, Experimental Techniques, 46(1), 103-113.
Springer, New York, ISSN: 0732-8818, 10.1007/s40799-021-00460-6, M23.
Lečić Milan, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Čantrak Svetislav (2016). Positioning Devices For Measuring Spatial Velocity Correlations in Turbulent Swirl Flow in the Pipe by Hot-Wire Probes, Experimental Techniques, 40(1), 121-128.
Springer, New York, ISSN: 0732-8818, 10.1007/s40799-016-0018-8, M23.
Lečić Milan, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Čantrak Svetislav (2014). Original Measuring and Calibration Equipment for Investigation of Turbulent Swirling Flow in Circular Pipe, Experimental Techniques, 38(3), 54-62.
Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, ISSN: 0732-8818, 10.1111/j.1747-1567.2012.00812.x, M23.
Banjac M., Stamenić Mirjana, Lečić Milan, Stakić Milan B. (2009). Size distribution of agglomerates of milk powder in wet granulation process in a vibro-fluidized bed, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(3), 515-525.
Brazilian Soc Chemical Eng, Sao Paulo, ISSN: 0104-6632, 10.1590/S0104-66322009000300007, M23.
Čantrak Svetislav, Benišek Miroslav, Nedeljković Miloš, Lečić Milan (2001). Problems of non-local turbulent transfer modelling, Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik, 81, S913-S914.
Wiley-V C H Verlag Gmbh, Weinheim, ISSN: 0044-2267, M23.
Burazer Jela, Skoko Dragiša, Novković Đorđe, Lečić Milan, Vorotović Goran, Januzović Miloš (2022). On some important quantities influencing proper functioning of the differential pneumatic comparator, FME Transactions, 50(4), 693-700.
ISSN: 1451-2092, 10.5937/fme2204693B, M24.
Burazer Jela M., Novković Đorđe, Knežević Darko M., Lečić Milan (2019). Numeričko istraživanje stišljivog turbulentnog vihornog strujanja sa raslojavanjem polja totalne temperature u cevi, FME Transactions, 47(1), 16-22.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, 10.5937/fmet1901016B, M24.
Novković Đorđe, Burazer Jela M., Ćoćić Aleksandar, Lečić Milan (2018). On the influence of turbulent kinetic energy level on accuracy of k - epsilon and lrr turbulence models, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 45(2), 139-149.
Srpsko društvo za mehaniku, Beograd, ISSN: 1450-5584, 10.2298/TAM171201009N, M24.
Despotović Željko V., Lečić Milan, Jović Milan R., Đurić Ana (2014). Kontrola rezonantnih elektromagnetnih vibracionih dodavača, FME Transactions, 42(4), 281-289.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, 10.5937/fmet1404281D, M24.
Novković Đorđe, Lečić Milan, Burazer Jela M., Radenković Darko (2014). Simulacije strujanja u maloj cevnoj turbini primenom dvojednačinskih modela turbulencije, FME Transactions, 42(2), 118-127.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, 10.5937/fmet1402118N, M24.
Burazer Jela M., Lečić Milan, Čantrak Svetislav (2012). Fenomeni nelokalnog turbulentnog prenosa i negradijentne toplotne difuzije u KGH sistemima, FME Transactions, 40(3), 119-125.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, M24.
Lečić Milan, Jankov Rade, Popović Slobodan, Matić Milan (2004). Piezootporna sonda za merenje brzine u jednodimenzijskom nestišljivom strujanju, FME Transactions, 32(1), 25-30.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, M24.
Lečić Milan, Radojević Slobodan, Čantrak Đorđe, Ćoćić Aleksandar (2007). Metoda baždarenja sonde V-tipa sa zagrejanom žicom, FME Transactions, 35(2), 55-61.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, M52.
Lečić Milan, Kokotović Branko, Milosavljević Anđelka, Čantrak Đorđe, Petronić Sanja (2010). Побољшање квалитета завареног споја код сонди са загрејаним влакнима, Energija, ekonomija, ekologija.
Beograd : Savez energetičara, ISSN: 0354-8651, M53.
Čantrak Đorđe, Janković Novica, Lečić Milan (2021). Forced Vortex in Turbulent Swirling Flow, The 8th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Kragujevac, Serbia, June 28-30 2021., Proceedings, Minisymposium M2: Turbulence.
Belgrade : Serbian Society of Mechanics, ISBN: 978-86-909973-8-1, M33.
Stamenić Mirjana, Čantrak Đorđe, Janković Novica, Lečić Milan (2019). Some Remarks on Bottom-Up Methodology for Energy Efficiency Action Plans, Proceedings of the 2018 5th International Symposium on Environment-Friendly Energies and Application.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 10.1109/EFEA.2018.8617091, M33.
Novković Đorđe, Burazer Jela, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Lečić Milan (2019). Implementation of Hamba k-epsilon Turbulence Model in OpenFOAM Software, 7th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics.
Serbian Society of Mechanics, Belgrade, ISBN: 978-86-909973-7-4, M33.
Raković Milan, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Lečić Milan (2019). Numerical study on aerodynamic drag reduction of a tractor-trailer model, 7th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics.
ISBN: 978-86-909973-7-4, M33.
Ćoćić Aleksandar, Raković Milan, Ilić Dejan, Lečić Milan (2017). Numerical computations of turbulent flow through orifice flowmeter, 6th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics.
Srpsko društvo za Mehaniku, ISBN: 978-86-909973-6-7, M33.
Novković Đorđe, Burazer Jela, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Lečić Milan (2017). Numerical Research of Swirl-Free flow in Azad Diffuser, 6th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics.
ISBN: 978-86-909973-6-7, M33.
Čantrak Đorđe, Janković Novica, Ilić Dejan, Lečić Milan (2016). Centrifugal pumps' impellers design and digital fabrication, 1st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering Design Optimization, MEDO 2016.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., ISBN: 978-1-5090-2111-6, 10.1109/MEDO.2016.7746544, M33.
Čolić-Damjanović Vesna Mila, Burazer Jela M., Stamenić Mirjana, Čantrak Đorđe, Lečić Milan (2014). Architectural Design Influences and HVAC Systems' Measures on Energy Savings of a High Energy Demand Residential Building, 3rd International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications, EFEA 2014.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 10.1109/EFEA.2014.7059986, M33.
Čantrak Đorđe, Janković Novica, Lečić Milan (2014). Laser insight into the turbulent swirl flow behind the axial flow fan, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 1A.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 10.1115/GT2014-26563, M33.
Guranov Iva, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Lečić Milan (2013). Numerical Studies of Viscoelastic Flow Using the Software OpenFOAM, PAMM-Special Issue: 84th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Novi Sad 2013, 13(1), 591-592.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, ISBN: 1617-7061, 10.1002/pamm.201310276, M33.
Čantrak Đorđe, Janković Novica, Nedeljković Miloš, Lečić Milan (2012). Stereo PIV and LDA Measurements at the Axial Fan Outlet, Proceedings, 15th Int. Symp. on Flow Visual., Minsk, June 25-28.
ISBN: 978-985-6456-75-9, M33.
Ćoćić Aleksandar, Guranov Iva, Lečić Milan (2011). Numerical investigation of laminar flow in square curved duct with 90 bend, Proceedings of The 3rd International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Vlasina Lake, Serbia, July 2011.
Serbian Society of Mechanics, ISBN: 978-86-909973-3-6, M33.
Čantrak Đorđe, Ilić Jelena, Hyde Martin, Čantrak Svetislav, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Lečić Milan (2008). PIV Measurements and Statistical Analysis of the Turbulent Swirl Flow Field, ISFV 13 – 13th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, FLUVISU 12 – 12th French Congress on Visualization in Fluid Mechanics, July 1-4., Nice, France.
Čantrak Đorđe, Dušanić Aleksandar, Božić Ivan, Lečić Milan (2002). On the Anisotropy of the Turbulent Viscosity, Proceedings of the International Conference Classics and Fashion in Fluid Machinery, October 18-20,2002, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, ISBN: 86-7083-451-0, M33.
Raković Milan, Radenković Darko, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Lečić Milan (2022). Influence of the drag coefficient of a single bubble in vertical upward turbulent bubbly flows, ICAS 2022 Book of abstracts.
ISBN: 978-99938-39-99-6, M34.
Janković Novica, Čantrak Đorđe, Ilić Dejan, Lečić Milan (2018). Insight into the Turbulent Swirl Jet behind the Axial Fan, Sixth International Conference on Applied Sciences ICAS2018, Book of Abstracts, pp. 120.
Raković Milan, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Crnojević Cvetko, Lečić Milan (2018). Numerical Study of Flow Past Solid Sphere using OpenFOAM, ICAS 2018 Book of abstracts.
ISBN: 978-99938-39-80-4, M34.
Ćoćić Aleksandar, Brajović Milan, Lečić Milan (2016). Numerical Simulation of Air Flow in Model Room, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), Volume16, Issue 1, 2016, pp. 801-802 (Special Issue: Joint 87th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) and Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV), Braunschweig 2016.
Lečić Milan, Čantrak Đorđe, Ćoćić Aleksandar (2015). School of the Turbulent Swirl Flow at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Belgrade, Turbulence Workshop International Symposium, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, August 31-September 2, The Book of Abstracts.
ISBN: 978-86-7083-865-9, M34.
Lečić Milan, Kokotović Branko, Milosavljević Anđelka, Čantrak Đorđe (2008). Influence of the Platinum Alloy Microstructure on the Optimum Characteristics of the Precise Anemometers, YUCOMAT 2008 Symposium Advanced Materials for High-Technology Application, Programme and The Book of Abstracts, 8-12. September, Herceg Novi, Montenegro.
ISBN: 978-86-80321-15-8, M34.
Čantrak Đorđe, Lečić Milan, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Čantrak Svetislav (2008). Investigation of Structure and Statistical Properties of Turbulent Swirling Flow in a Pipe, GAMM 2008, Session of short communication-9: 'Turbulence and reactive flows', Location: SFG 1020, Slot 3, Proceedings.
University of Bremen, M34.
Ćoćić Aleksandar, Lečić Milan, Čantrak Đorđe, Čantrak Svetislav (2008). Invariant and Numerical Analysis of Turbulent Pipe Flow Subjected to Sudden Area Contraction, GAMM 2008, Session of short communication-9: 'Turbulence and reactive flows', Location: SFG 1020, Slot 1, Proceedings.
University of Bremen, M34.
Lečić Milan, Kokotović Branko, Čantrak Đorđe (2008). Уређаји за позиционирање и репарацију сонди са загрејаним влакнима за изучавање турбулентног вихорног струјања у цевима, 34. Јупитер конференција са међународним учешћем, 30. симпозијум НУ-Роботи-ФТС, 5.4-5. jун 2008..
ISBN: 978-86-7083-628-0, M63.
Lečić Milan, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Čantrak Đorđe (2003). Мерење поља притиска и брзине у слободном млазу помоћу сонде са диференцијалним пиезоотпорним сензором, Конгрес метролога 2003, Машински факултет, Београд, Зборник проширених резимеа.
Lečić Lazar, Raković Milan, Adžić Vuk, Lečić Milan, Janković Novica, Čantrak Đorđe (2024). Comparison of Different Gas Flow Measurement Methods and their Application in the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, Book of Asbtracts, IX Regional Conference: Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection in the Countries of Southeast Europe, IEEP 2024, Session: Energy efficiency and energy management within the industry – part 2, Society of Thermal Engineers.
Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia, ISBN: 978-86-7877-036-4.
Vuja Aleksandru, Lečić Milan, Čolić-Damjanović Vesna Mila (2016). Conducting Architectural Experiments: Some new approaches in architectural design, 1st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering Design Optimization, MEDO 2016.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 10.1109/MEDO.2016.7746542.
Novković Đorđe, Lečić Milan, Burazer Jela, Radenković Darko (2015). Numerical flow simulation in the Agnew micro hydro turbine, Turbulence workshop - International symposium, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Book of Abstracts, Belgrade.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia.
„Утицај струјних и геометријских параметара на пнеуматску димензијску контролу машинских делова“ Универзитет у Београду, Машински факултет., Драгиша Скоко, 2021.
„Моделирање и нумерички прорачуни струјања нестишљивог флуида у правим конусним дифузорима“ Универзитет у Београду, Машински факултет., Ђорђе Новковић, 2019.
„Утицај храпавости зидова канала при струјању мешавине гаса и честица у унутрашњим турбулентним струјањима“ Универзитет у Београду, Машински факултет., Дарко Раденковић, 2019.
„Турбулентно стишљиво струјање у Ранк-Хилшовој вртложној цеви“ Универзитет у Београду, Машински факултет., Јела Буразер, 2017.
Моделирање и нумеричке симулације вихорних струјања, Александар Ћоћић, 2013.
Универзитет у Београду, Машински факултет
Краљице Марије 16, 11120 Београд 35
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