Горан М. Лазовић

др Горан М. Лазовић, редовни професор
Катедра за математику
Кабинет: 441
Мејл адреса: glazovic@mas.bg.ac.rs
Телефон: локал 333; директан 3302-333

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Понедељак 13:00-14:00, Среда 13:00-14:00 (кабинет 441)


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Образовање, стручна спрема

Дипломирани математичар, Математички Факултет, Универзитет у Београду, јул 1988. Магистар математичких наука, Математички Факултет, Универзитет у Београду, октобар 1995. Доктор техничких наука, Машински факултет, Универзитет у Београду, јун 2012.

Публикације, признања, награде

> 30 публикованих научних радова, 2 уџбеникa


Радови у часописима са SCI листе

Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Paunović Vesna, Hwu Jih Ru, Tsay Shwu-Chen, Perng Tsong-Ping, Veljković Sandra, Vlahović Branislav (2019). Ceramic materials and energy-Extended Coble's model and fractal nature, Journal of The European Ceramic Society, 39(12), 3513-3525.
Elsevier Sci Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 0955-2219, 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2019.04.009, M21a.

Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Paunović Vesna, Cvetković Nenad, Jovanović Dejan, Veljković Sandra, Randjelović Branislav M., Vlahović Branislav (2019). Fractal frontiers in microelectronic ceramic materials, Ceramics International, 45(7), 9679-9685.
Elsevier Sci Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 0272-8842, 10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.01.020, M21a.

Vosika Zoran B., Mitić Vojislav V., Vasić Aleksandra, Lazović Goran, Matija Lidija, Kocić Ljubiša (2017). Multistep generalized transformation method applied to solving equations of discrete and continuous time-fractional enzyme kinetics, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 44, 373-389.
Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam, ISSN: 1007-5704, 10.1016/j.cnsns.2016.08.024, M21a.

Randjelović Branislav M., Mitić Vojislav V., Ribar Srđan, Milošević Dušan M., Lazović Goran, Fecht Hans J., Vlahović Branislav (2022). Fractal Nature Bridge between Neural Networks and Graph Theory Approach within Material Structure Characterization, Fractal and Fractional, 6(3).
MDPI, Basel, ISSN: 2504-3110, 10.3390/fractalfract6030134, M21.

Mitić Vojislav V., Kocić Ljubiša, Paunović Vesna, Lazović Goran, Miljković Miroslav (2018). Fractal nature structure reconstruction method in designing microstructure properties, Materials Research Bulletin, 101, 175-183.
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 0025-5408, 10.1016/j.materresbull.2018.01.019, M21.

Vosika Zoran B., Lazović Goran, Misević Gradimir N., Simić-Krstić Jovana (2013). Fractional Calculus Model of Electrical Impedance Applied to Human Skin, PLOS ONE, 8(4).
Public Library Science, San Francisco, ISSN: 1932-6203, 10.1371/journal.pone.0059483, M21.

Kocović Jelena, Mitić Vojislav V., Koprivica Marija, Rajić Vesna, Lazović Goran (2022). Lognormal and log-logistic distribution mixture analysis and application, Modern Physics Letters B, 36(05).
World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, Singapore, ISSN: 0217-9849, 10.1142/S0217984921505886, M22.

Mitić Vojislav V., Chen Po-Yu, Chou Yueh-Ying, Ilić Ivana D., Marković Bojana, Lazović Goran (2021). Fractal nature analysis in porous structured bio-ceramics, Modern Physics Letters B, 35(12).
World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, Singapore, ISSN: 0217-9849, 10.1142/S0217984921503188, M22.

Khamoushi K., Mitić Vojislav V., Manojlović Jelena, Paunović Vesna, Cvetković Zlata, Lazović Goran (2021). Comparison between crystal structure and dielectric properties Nd(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O-3 (NMT) and Nd(Zn1/2Ti1/2)O-3 (NZT), Modern Physics Letters B, 35(21).
World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, Singapore, ISSN: 0217-9849, 10.1142/S021798492150370X, M22.

Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Radosavljević-Mihajlović Ana S., Milošević Dušan, Marković Bojana, Simeunovie Dragan, Vlahović Branislav (2021). Forensic science and fractal nature analysis, Modern Physics Letters B, 35(32).
World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, Singapore, ISSN: 0217-9849, 10.1142/S0217984921504935, M22.

Mitić Vojislav V., Fleshman Collin, Duh Jenq-Gong, Ilić Ivana D., Lazović Goran (2021). The fractal nature analysis by applying grain formations of SAC305/OSP Cu and SAC305-0.05Ni/OSP Cu solder joints for microelectronic packaging, Modern Physics Letters B, 35(33).
World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, Singapore, ISSN: 0217-9849, 10.1142/S0217984921504273, M22.

Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Milošević Dušan, Ristanović Elizabeta, Simeunović Dragan, Tsay Shwu-Chen, Milošević Mimica, Vlahović Branislav (2021). Brownian fractal nature coronavirus motion, Modern Physics Letters B, 35(4).
World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, Singapore, ISSN: 0217-9849, 10.1142/S0217984921500767, M22.

Aminirastabi Habibollah, Xue Hao, Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Ji Guoli, Peng Dongliang (2020). Novel fractal analysis of nanograin growth in BaTiO3 thin film, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 239.
Elsevier Science Sa, Lausanne, ISSN: 0254-0584, 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2019.122261, M22.

Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Milošević Dušan, Lu Chun-An, Manojlović Jelena, Tsay Shwu-Chen, Kruchinin Sergey, Vlahović Branislav (2020). Brownian motion and fractal nature, Modern Physics Letters B, 34(19-20).
World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, Singapore, ISSN: 0217-9849, 10.1142/S0217984920400618, M22.

Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Mirjanić Dragoljub, Fecht Hans, Vlahović Branislav, Arnold Walter (2020). The fractal nature as new frontier in microstructural characterization and relativization of scale sizes within space, Modern Physics Letters B, 34(22).
World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, Singapore, ISSN: 0217-9849, 10.1142/S0217984920504217, M22.

Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Lu Chun-An, Paunović Vesna, Radović Ivana, Stajcić Aleksandar, Vlahović Branislav (2020). The Nano-Scale Modified BaTiO3 Morphology Influence on Electronic Properties and Ceramics Fractal Nature Frontiers, Applied Sciences - Basel, 10(10).
MDPI, Basel, ISSN: 2076-3417, 10.3390/app10103485, M22.

Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Đorđević Dragan M., Stanković Maja N., Paunović Vesna, Krstić Nenad S., Manojlović Jelena (2021). Butler-volmer current equation and fractal nature correction in electrochemical energy, Thermal Science, 25(3), 1837-1848.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd, ISSN: 0354-9836, 10.2298/TSCI200117232M, M23.

Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Randjelović Branislav M., Paunović Vesna, Radović Ivana, Stajcić Aleksandar, Vlahović Branislav (2021). Graph theory applied to microelectronics intergranular relations, Ferroelectrics, 570(1), 145-152.
Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon, ISSN: 0015-0193, 10.1080/00150193.2020.1839265, M23.

Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Manojlović Jelena, Huang Wen-Chieh, Stojiljković Mladen M., Facht Hans, Vlahović Branislav (2020). Entropy and fractal nature, Thermal Science, 24(3), 2203-2212.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd, ISSN: 0354-9836, 10.2298/TSCI191007451M, M23.

Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Ribar Srđan, Lu Chun-An, Radović Ivana, Stajcić Aleksandar, Fecht Hans, Vlahović Branislav (2020). The Artificial Neural Networks Applied for Microelectronics Intergranular Relations Determination, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 212(1), 135-146.
Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon, ISSN: 1058-4587, 10.1080/10584587.2020.1819042, M23.

Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Paunović Vesna, Veljković Sandra, Randjelović Branislav M., Vlahović Branislav, Fecht Hans (2019). Electronic ceramics fractal microstructure analysis-Minkowski Hull and grain boundaries, Ferroelectrics, 545(1), 184-194.
Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon, ISSN: 0015-0193, 10.1080/00150193.2019.1621704, M23.

Lazović Goran, Sesum-Cavić Vesna, Mitrović Slobodanka, Radojević Slobodan, Dedović Nebojša, Chaudhary Naveed Ishtiaq (2018). Safety Times for Multistage Assembly System, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018.
Hindawi Ltd, London, ISSN: 1024-123X, 10.1155/2018/8208049, M23.

Mitić Vojislav V., Paunović Vesna, Lazović Goran, Kocić Ljubiša, Fecht Hans (2018). Fractal dimension of fractals tensor product ferroelectric ceramic materials frontiers, Ferroelectrics, 535(1), 114-119.
Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon, ISSN: 0015-0193, 10.1080/00150193.2018.1474653, M23.

Vosika Zoran B., Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Paunović Vesna, Kocić Ljubiša (2018). Meso-kinetics of one time relaxation electrical processes in BaTiO3 ceramicsmodified Boltzmann-Poisson model, Ferroelectrics, 531(1), 38-50.
Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon, ISSN: 0015-0193, 10.1080/00150193.2018.1456116, M23.

Mitić Vojislav V., Fecht Hans-Joerg, Mohr Markus, Lazović Goran, Kocić Ljubiša (2018). Exploring fractality of microcrystalline diamond films, Aip Advances, 8(7).
Amer Inst Physics, Melville, ISSN: 2158-3226, 10.1063/1.5034469, M23.

Mitić Vojislav V., Paunović Vesna, Lazović Goran, Kocić Ljubiša, Vlahović Branislav (2018). Clausius-Mossotti relation fractal modification, Ferroelectrics, 536(1), 60-76.
Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon, ISSN: 0015-0193, 10.1080/00150193.2018.1528926, M23.

Vosika Zoran B., Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Kocić Ljubiša (2017). Discrete Temperature Values in the Sintering Process as a BaTiO3-ceramics Properties Parameter, Science of Sintering, 49(4), 469-477.
Međunarodni Institut za nauku o sinterovanju, Beograd, ISSN: 0350-820X, 10.2298/SOS1704469V, M23.

Simić-Krstić Jovana, Kalauzi Aleksandar J., Ribar Srđan, Lazović Goran, Radojičić R. (2012). Electrical characteristics of female and male human skin, Archives of Biological Sciences, 64(3), 1165-1171.
Srpsko biološko društvo, Beograd, i dr., ISSN: 0354-4664, 10.2298/ABS1203165S, M23.

Радови у часописима ван SCI листе

Vosika Zoran B., Mitić Vojislav V., Paunović Vesna, Manojlović Jelena, Lazović Goran (2021). Characterization of ptc effect in batio(3)-ceramics as a special phase transition - fractal approach, Facta Universitatis-Series Electronics and Energetics, 34(4), 499-510.
Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, ISSN: 0353-3670, 10.2298/FUEE2104499V, M24.

Lazović Goran, Vosika Zoran B., Lazarević Mihailo, Simić-Krstić Jovana, Koruga Đuro (2014). Modelovanje bioimpedanse ljudske kože primenom distribuiranog necelog reda modifikovanog kole modela, FME Transactions, 42(1), 74-81.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, 10.5937/fmet1401075L, M24.

Veljković Sandra, Mitić Vojislav V., Paunović Vesna, Lazović Goran, Mohr Markus, Fecht Hans (2020). Analyses of the surface parameters in polycrystalline diamonds, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 17(1), 111-129.
Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Čačak, ISSN: 1451-4869, 10.2298/SJEE2001111V, M52.

Радови са конференција

Jeli Zorana, Popkonstantinović Branislav, Lazović Goran, Andrejević Raša (2014). Anaglyph Representation In Technical Systems Development, 4th International Conference moNGeometrija, focused on the research about geometry, graphics and application to science, engineering and art, 2, 98-111.
SUGIG, ISBN: 978-86-88601-14-6, M33.

Vosika Zoran, Lazarević Mihailo, Lazović Goran, Simić-Krstić Jovana, Koruga Đuro (2010). Modeling of Human Skin Using Continuous Fractional Derivative Model-Frequency Domain, Proceedings of FDA’10 The 4th IFAC Workshop Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications Badajoz, Spain, October 18-20, 2010.
Slovakia: Technical University of Kosice, ISBN: 978-80-553-0487-8, M33.

Lazarević Mihailo, Vosika Zoran, Lazović Goran, Simić-Krstić Jovana, Koruga Djuro (2012). Further results on modeling of bioimpedance of the human skin: calculus of non-integer order approach, Booklet of Abstracts of Symposium Nonlinear Dynamics –Milutin Milanković (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Applications), (SNDMIA 2012), Belgrade, October 1-5, 2012..
Belgrade: Serbian Scientific Society, ISBN: 978-86-7746-344-1, M34.

Lazarević Mihailo, Vosika Zoran, Lazović Goran, Simić-Krstić Jovana, Koruga Đuro (2012). Fractional order Cole model of bioimpedance of the human skin: new results, Book of abstracts BIOMATH 2012 - an International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences held at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in So a, June 17-22, 2012.
Bulgaria: Publ. House „Vanio Nedkov“, ISBN: 978954-9462-78-4, M34.

Khamoushi K., Mitić Vojislav V., Manojlović Jelena, Paunović Vesna, Lazović Goran (2021). Application of Nd (Mg1/2Ti1/2) O3(NMT) Perovskite in Mobile Communications, 2021 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunicati.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 10.1109/TELSIKS52058.2021.9606427.

Поглавља у књигама

Hwu J.R., Tsay Shwu-Chen, Hung S.C., Hsu M.-H., Ma J.-Y., Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Chou S.-S.P. (2021). Identification of radicals responsible for DNA cleavage by photolysis of bis-oxime esters, Advanced Ceramics and Applications.
De Gruyter, 10.1515/9783110627992-008.

Vosika Zoran B., Mitić Vojislav V., Lazović Goran, Paunović Vesna, Kocić Ljubiša (2021). Fractal corrected Schottky potential and Heywang model, Advanced Ceramics and Applications.
De Gruyter, 10.1515/9783110627992-021.

Vosika Zoran, Lazarević Mihailo, Lazović Goran, Simić-Krstić Jovana, Koruga Đuro (2014). Modeling of Human Skin using Distributed Order Fractional Derivative Model-Frequency Domain, Advanced Topics on Applications of Fractional Calculus on Control Problems, System Stability and Modeling.
WSEAS Press, ISBN: 978-960-474-348-3.


Jandrlić Davorka, Lazović Goran, Vučić Miloš (2021). Programiranje, Mašinski fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu.
ISBN: 978-86-6060-094-5.